Priority areas of scientific activity of the university: (in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated April 30, 2024 No. 476 On Approval of the List of Priority Thematic Areas of Scientific Research and Scientific and Technical Development for the Period Until December 31 of the Year Following the Termination or Cancellation of Martial Law in Ukraine):
Information and communication technologies
- Digitalization of socio-humanitarian processes and education in the digital age
- Information and communication systems and networks
- Cloud computing
- Integrated database and knowledge systems. National information resources
- Internet of things. Robotics. Computer processing of signals of various types and origins
Rational use of nature
- Restoration of natural complexes and objects, protection of nature reserves, preservation of biodiversity of natural and artificial ecosystems, genetic certification of valuable objects
- Ecologically balanced and efficient land use
Life sciences, new technologies for the prevention and treatment of the most common diseases
- Technologies for growing agricultural plants and breeding their new varieties and hybrids
Problems of development of scientific and technical, socio-economic, socio-political, human potential of Ukraine
- Development of new ideas about chemical structure, reactivity, elementary stages of chemical reactions in order to create scientific principles for targeted management of such processes, functionalization of chemical compounds, substances and materials, development and optimization of chemical methods and technologies
- National interests of Ukraine in the context of geopolitical problems of the modern globalized world and the formation of a new international legal order. Development of the national legal system in the context of Ukraine's European and Euro-Atlantic integration
- Current problems of protecting human and citizen rights in conditions of martial law
- Socio-psychological support of a person in conditions of social changes and threats to life safety
- Forecasting of current challenges and threats to the development of the economy and its sectors in the medium and long term, demographic development of the situation in Ukraine and the movement of the labor force and their impact on the real sector of the economy
- Harmonization of the interests and needs of the individual with the demands of society on the labor market, dual education, forecasting of qualifications and competencies necessary for the labor market in Ukraine in the medium and long term
- Technologies of teaching and socialization of children and youth with special educational needs in the context of creating a society of equal opportunities
- Problems of humanitarian consolidation of Ukrainian society and the functioning of the Ukrainian language as the state
- Preservation of historical and cultural heritage and modernization of archival affairs