General information
Head of the Department: Ph.D. in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Mykola Anatoliyovych Semenov
The Department of Information Technologies and Systems was established on the basis of the Department of Informatics on November 4, 2002. The department is the main structural unit of the university, responsible for educational and methodological processes, conducting scientific research, and carrying out other activities.
Main goals and objectives of the department:
- Fundamental and professional training of qualified specialists for economic planning, organizational management, teaching, analytical, and research activities in enterprises and organizations across various sectors of the national economy and different forms of ownership.
- Organization and management of the educational process in the department's disciplines, conducting educational work among students, performing scientific research, participating in the training and professional development of academic staff, and fostering creative connections with university alumni.
- Comprehensive methodological support for the department's academic disciplines, preparing textbooks and teaching aids using advanced methods, and effectively utilizing modern teaching equipment and laboratory facilities.
- Expanding and strengthening ties with industry and organizations in areas such as cooperation in training specialists in informatics, conducting research commissioned through contracts, involving leading regional industry professionals and scientists in teaching, and enhancing the qualifications of specialists in the national economy sectors.
- Participation in the university’s informational and research work: conducting scientific research on key theoretical, socio-economic, and scientific-technical issues related to the department's profile, as well as higher education pedagogy problems; discussing completed research projects and recommending them for publication; organizing student research work and involving them in the department's scientific activities.
- Collaboration with similar departments from other Ukrainian and international universities in educational, methodological, and research work, as well as with foreign research institutions in the department's field of study.
The department's mission is to create conditions that foster the professional competence of both teachers and students, essential for a career in the information industry, while fully supporting the university's mission through the continuous improvement of modern information technology applications.
Educational Activities
The department offers degree programs in the following specializations:
- "123 Computer Engineering" (Bachelor's level)
- "121 Software Engineering" (Bachelor's level)
- "123 Computer Engineering" (Master's level)
- "121 Software Engineering" (Master's level)
Students are taught the following courses:
- Algorithms and Computational Methods
- Programming
- Computer Electronics
- Computer Architecture
- Computer Circuitry
- Peripheral Devices
- System Programming
- System Software
- Computer Systems Design Automation
- Computer Systems, Computer Networks
- Database Organization
- Information Security in Computer Systems
- Engineering Graphics
- Theory of Electrical Circuits, Probability Theory, and Mathematical Statistics
- C++, C#, JAVA Programming
- Structural and Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
- Algorithms and Data Structures
- Software Design and Modeling, Testing, Verification, Maintenance
- Software Cost Estimation
- Software Project Management
- Operating Systems and Network Technologies
More detailed information about the educational programs and their components can be found in the corresponding sections of the public information page:
The educational process is provided by the faculty staff of the department:
Mykola Anatoliyovych Semenov, Head of the Department, Ph.D. in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
His main scientific research focuses on the development, study, and implementation of quality management systems for distance learning.
An experienced instructor of the courses: "Programming", "UML", and "Introduction to Information Technologies".
Hennadii Anatoliyovych Mohylnyi, Director of the Institute of Physics, Mathematics, and Information Technologies, Associate Professor of the Department of Information Technologies and Systems, Ph.D. in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
His main scientific research focuses on the study of modern modeling and design methods for manufacturing various constructions produced through winding with carbon, organic, and fiberglass materials.
An experienced instructor of the courses: "Computer Networks", "Java/jsp Programming", and "Network Information Technologies".
Volodymyr Yuriyovych Donchenko, Deputy Director of the Institute of Physics, Mathematics, and Information Technologies, Senior Lecturer
His main scientific research focuses on CAD of elastomers and modeling.
The main courses he teaches: "Software Architecture and Design", "Software Modeling and Analysis", "Object-Oriented Software Design Technologies", and "Programming".
Halyna Oleksandrivna Kozub, Ph.D. in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Her main scientific research focuses on the coupled thermomechanical problem of constructions made of anisotropic materials; automation of the calculation of NDS for anisotropic materials and structures; implementation of CAD and CAM systems in solving problems in solid mechanics.
The main courses she teaches: "Modern CAD/CAM Systems", "Specialized Programming Languages", "Numerical Methods", and "Empirical Methods of Software Engineering".
Svitlana Oleksandrivna Pereiaslavska, Ph.D. in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
Her main scientific research focuses on developing a concept for a virtual learning environment for students using multimedia tools.
The main courses she teaches: "Modern Java Technologies", "Information Security", "System Programming and System Software", and "Software and Data Security".
Olha Oleksandrivna Smahina, Ph.D. in Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer
Her main scientific research focuses on the system analysis of the processes involved in implementing information and communication technologies in education; development and use of automated systems for organizing and planning the educational process and electronic document management.
The main courses she teaches: "Software Requirements Analysis", "Software Quality and Testing", "Modern Information Technologies", "Automated Information Systems", and "Informatics and Programming".
Donchenko Svitlana, assistant.
Main scientific research – analysis of current trends and tools of information and communication technologies in education and other areas of activity, integration of 3D modeling into STEM educational programs
Main disciplines taught: "Fundamentals of Software Engineering", "Introduction to the Profession", "Information and Communication Technologies in Professional Activity", "Information Systems and Technologies", "Informatization of Cognitive Activity Using 3D Modeling and Robotics".
Volodymyr Valeriiovych Matiievskyi, Deputy Director of the Institute of Physics, Mathematics, and Information Technologies, Assistant
His main scientific research focuses on cybersecurity.
The main courses he teaches: "Information Security in Computer Systems" and "Creating Internet Applications Based on PHP".
Vitalii Serhiiovych Kuznetsov, Assistant at the Department of Information Technologies and Systems.
His main scientific research focuses on engineering design systems.
The main courses he teaches: "Architecture of Computing Systems," "Computer Circuitry and Logic," "Computer-Aided Engineering Design Systems," "Computer Systems Design Technology," "Computer Electronics."
Scientific Activity
The department’s scientific work is diverse and covers several areas of using information technologies across different fields of science, engineering, economics, and education:
- Research on effective methods of collaboration and integration of different operating systems.
- Research on engineering design systems and modeling of the physical and mechanical characteristics of specialized constructions and products.
- Development of adaptive learning management systems, including distance learning systems.
- Information support for socio-economic and technical processes.
- Development and implementation of modern information educational systems.
- Development and modeling of control systems for specialized winding equipment.
- Theoretical foundations of computer science.
- Development of integrated information and advisory systems based on Java technologies.
- Development and research of educational web portals.
- Creation of educational programs in the humanities field.
The department is home to the research laboratory "Research of Information Systems and Electronic Educational Programs". Active work is underway to establish laboratories for "Network Programming" and "Microcontroller Programming". These laboratories are an integral part of the Department of Information Technologies and Systems (ITS), and their creation contributes to the development of the department’s research and educational-methodical activities, as well as to the overall progress of the university.
Every year, regional Olympiads in Informatics are held at the department for high school students, as well as students from vocational and technical schools. Since 2004, the department also organizes the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference titled "Current Trends in the Development of Information Technologies in Science, Education, and Economics".
Main Areas of Scientific and Technical Cooperation
Research Work with Students
The department conducts research work with students in accordance with the department's research plan. Technical students are encouraged to engage in scientific research, particularly during the preparation and organization of the University Science Days and the preparation of research papers for participation in the university's student scientific work competition. Students and graduate students actively participate in scientific-practical conferences for young scientists.
Students engage in research work under the guidance of leading faculty members of the department. The results of the students' scientific work are reflected in research articles.